Healthy Parks Initiative

The University of Kansas’ Dotte Agency, HCW, Groundwork NRG, NBC Community Development Corporation, the 20/20/20 Movement, and the Community Health Council of Wyandotte County have teamed up to facilitate a Healthy Parks Initiative. Our goal is to encourage people to be more physically active in the parks. We support a variety of park improvements, including physical changes (e.g. signs, bike racks) as well as community involvement efforts (events, programs, and activities). We are working with the Neighborhood Business Revitalization organizations and other community stakeholders around five WyCo parks:

  • Bethany

  • Fisher

  • Huron

  • Jersey Creek

  • Parkwood

For a list of Wyandotte County Parks click here.

The park communities are taking the lead on determining what their parks and their community members need and want. We will provide assistance and some funding to do improvement projects over the next few years.

Questions? Contact Janell Friesen at 913-573-6703 or


Resources to Read


KCK Radish Lecture Series