Groundwork NRG: Our Response to the Murder of George Floyd


June 16, 2020

Contact: Dajaun Hindsman

Community Planning & Communications Coordinator, AmeriCorps VISTA


Groundwork NRG’s Response to the Murder of George Floyd

To our Neighbors and Beloved Community,

Groundwork NRG (formerly HNMA)  joins in a world-wide expression of heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Mr. George Floyd for the inhumane treatment and violence resulting in his death. 

We are saddened and angered by the searing memory of his agony and suffering. 

The events in Minneapolis and around the country have once again foregrounded the history of racial and economic discrimination and that has harmed our communities for centuries. America has always been plagued by structural racism and violently-enforced white supremacy. The glaring silence and complicity of American citizens, institutions, and governments is unacceptable. Mr. Floyd’s death is a call to action for all Americans. We can no longer be satisfied with the illusion of slow but steady progress towards the elimination of structural and institutional racism.

The historic and current abuse and brutality against people of color violates America’s own investment in liberty, freedom, and happiness for all. Given the failure of our American democracy and police forces to serve and protect our community, Groundwork NRG takes seriously our work to unite communities of color for the greater good. 

Groundwork NRG was founded by the northeast neighborhood groups who knew that connectivity and collective action form the bedrock of our community. We understand that it is our community’s responsibility to ensure our rights are heeded and protected, and that our needs are met. We know that if we fail to do so, our rights will continue to be treated with violent disregard. The solution lies with the people.

Groundwork NRG pledges to continue its relentless commitment to improving the quality of life in Northeast KCK from the inside by continuing programming that leads to economic freedom, enriching the condition of our community’s land, and supporting efforts to create new and transparent institutions that meet our community’s needs.

Groundwork NRG understands that the road towards social transformation is long and riddled with challenges. We also understand that the communities in Northeast KCK are no stranger to difficult times. Together we can re-imagine and create a world that works for our communities-- a world that meets our daily needs, gives us room and nourishment to grow, and lets us live in the dignity we deserve. 

We invite you to donate your time, your knowledge, your wisdom, your ideas and your resources to our ongoing work in Northeast KCK. Together, we can change the quality of our lives for the better starting today.


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