Economic Sovereignty
Our Services:
Groundwork NRG serves as a resource for employment opportunities and job trainings
Groundwork NRG sends a business newsletter to businesses and organization within the Northeast area, in addition to having an online KCK business directory on our website
Our Programs:
Our Projects:
Environmental Sovereignty
Our Programs:
Minor Home Maintenance Referral Program
Parkwood Park Walk Club (on hold due to COVID - to resume early 2021)
Jersey Creek Walk Club (on hold due to COVID - to resume early 2021)
Our Projects:
Green Redevelopment
Jersey Creek Restoration
Cultural Identity & Belonging
Our Projects:
Neighborhood Improvement Projects:
Updated Marker for the Organization for Community Preservation
Funded fire safety kits for Douglass-Sumner Neighborhood Association
Designed Yard Sign for Douglass-Sumner
Funded building improvements for Struggler’s Hill tool library